GUIDELINES for Contributing or Guest Authors:

We want to pass on original and authentic writing that educates, elevates, and enlightens women moving forward after the end of a long term relationship or divorce. Before you submit your piece, look over GoodBetterNext’s Core Values and keep these writing guidelines in mind:

Tone: This group is for you to encourage others while authentically examining and sharing your own process, but it’s not the place to vent about your ex or call out those you feel have wronged you. Try to be honest, self-reflective, and helpful in the way you connect to your readers, remembering that although you may be writing from the heart, not everything needs to be explicitly shared.

Length: Try to keep your piece anywhere between 1,000 to 2,000 words. And do try to “use your words” when expressing yourself—write it out. Save the emojis and text abbreviations for when you DM your BFF. If we aren’t sure what you mean, your piece probably won’t get published.

Grammar and Spelling: Don’t get bogged down with perfectionism! The editorial team may respond to your submission with questions or offer suggestions before determining whether or not to publish it. As long as the writing is clear, original, in line with GoodBetterNext’s Core Values and Submission Guidelines, we want to read it.

Format: Before you upload your writing, be sure you begin your piece with a title! If you do not want to be credited by the first and last name used on the submission form, prefer to publish under a professional title, or refer to an outside resource or website, please include a note of explanation and relevant links at the end.

No Promotions, No Rants, and No Know-it-Alls: This isn’t the place to try to sell your product or service, get on a soapbox, or promote yourself as the definitive authority on divorce recovery or how to correctly experience it. We encourage you to remember that differing opinions and perspectives can lead to growth. There is no one right way to heal.

Other Considerations: Items submitted must be your own, wholly original work. If previously posted elsewhere, please include an explanation or link at the end of your piece. Material deemed derogatory, irrelevant, overly sensitive or private will not be considered for publication. Selected contributors may be asked to submit a short biography and head shot to be published with their content.

Click the button below to go to our Get Involved page and upload your story.