Posts in Wellness & Self Care
Yoga: A Gift of My Divorce

The morning before my divorce mediation began, I woke up and suddenly “knew” what keywords to use in Google to find private 200 hour yoga teacher training close to my home. I had been searching for training programs that would work with my life, schedule, and budget for years.

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Namast'ay Home with My Dog

But there is another hard truth that I could miss if I stay snuggled up with this sweet dog on my couch watching Netflix: Sadie is a comfort and a companion, but not a partner. If I stay at home in my comfort zone with her, I’m not using the opportunities online dating could offer to move past the blocks between me and the partnership I desire.

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Redefining Happily Ever After

Instead of being stuck in a tall tower or a spellcast sleep, I think so many people, women especially, are imprisoned by the concept of happily ever after, and for women who are dating after divorce, this entrapment can be particularly damaging. I’m working to reconcile old thought patterns to develop a more healthy approach to dating and happily ever after.

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Learning to Love the House of Your Soul

Even though I didn’t live with him anymore, the negative comments continued … but now they came only from me. The divorce had rid me of his negative voice, and yet I was still stuck with my own.

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Finding Fun Again

There wasn’t a checkbox on my to-do list for “fun” now that my kids were older. Fun felt frivolous, indulgent, and a distraction from being productive rather than a necessary ingredient to provide balance, energy, and joy. Read that again … fun is a necessary ingredient to provide balance, energy, and joy.

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The Post-Divorce Reveal

When re-doing an older home, you have to peel back lots of layers in order to get to what you really want to work with. With hard work, a little vision, and some courage, you can create something special. By the time we get to a midlife divorce, I think each of us is that older home in some way, shape, or form.

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When You Need Friends That “Get You”

My still-married friends have been a lifeline of encouragement, but because they have not walked in my shoes, most of them have not been able to offer much in the way of helpful advice or empowering post-divorce success stories. They haven’t been where I am, and may never have to go where I am going.

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Reconnecting with Community…and Yourself

Even if you have always enjoyed planning and hosting gatherings, bringing friends together post-divorce can be harder than expected because it requires re-imagining and adapting things to suit new circumstances. Now that you’re no longer a couple, your social circle has to adjust, too. And let’s face it, change is hard for everyone – even for your friends.

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Finding Myself

I confess there was a time that I did not give people the grace they deserved when they claimed to be taking time to “find themselves.” It just made no sense to me. I mean, I could find them, so how hard could it be for them to find themselves?? No need to disappear down some rabbit hole when they could just scroll through their own selfies for pretty solid evidence. Alternatively, I could save them some time and spare us all a little drama by just telling them who I thought they were, myself.

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